How to keep your jewellery in good condition

 Jewellery Care:

Rough work like bricklaying, gardening, washing dishes etc. could harm every ring or leave deep scratches.

Pearls should not be worn in saltwater or chlorinated water, but wear them frequently as our skin enhances their lustre. Avoid shampoo, body lotion, hairspray, silver dipping solutions etc. to come in direct contact with pearls.

Silver dipping solutionsare not suitable for any kind of  OPAL or PEARL jewellery. Heat, Water or other liquids can dissolve the glue in between the layers of opal doublets and triplets and make them dull. Opals should not be exposed too long to dampness or extreme dryness.

Get gemstone settingschecked once a year, which we offer free of charge. Necessary repairs come cheaper than replacing a large lost diamond.

How to clean jewellery with CLEAR precious & other fine gemstones

You can heat diamond jewellery in a pot well covered with water, a squirt of a mild dishwashing liquid and cloudy ammonia added to near boiling temperature. But watch out not to forget, as Diamonds boiled dry can end up with a black deposit, which is extremely hard to repolish. To avoid a temperature shock, let it cool down in the water, until you won't burn your fingers any more. Then brush well with a soft toothbrush (no toothpaste because of abrasives in it!) Make sure the plug is in the sink, rinse well with water and dry with a soft lint-free cloth.

A R E  should be taken with emeralds, topaz, opal, lapis lazuli, malachite and gemstones with defects, because they may not withstand higher temperatures than about 60° C. You could always bring jewellery for cleaning or polishing to us or another qualified goldsmith / jeweller.