Facts about Gold
Jewellery is a very personal expression of your taste and style. It can give pleasure for lifetime and have sentimental value that keeps wonderful memories alive.
Throughout history, precious metals have been highly valued and sought after. Precious metals are extremely durable, because they are highly resistant to attack from the environment. Pure metals are elements and cannot be separated or purified further. In turn, an alloy is a mixture or combination formed by the fusion of two or more metals. Native metals are rarely pure, but are usually found in natural alloys with other metals.
Native gold is generally found as gold dust or mined with other minerals, rarely as nuggets but mostly combined with varying proportions of silver in about 22ct (ct is not the same as gem carat). It is yellow by nature. After refining into fine gold it has 24ct or contains 999 parts pure gold per thousand. Gold has been used in jewellery for over 7000 years. Even today, approximately 80 percent of the world’s output of gold is used in jewellery.18ct gold contains 750 parts per thousand (75%) fine gold. For handmade 18ct jewellery items we alloy the gold ourselves and use for the remaining 250 parts fine silver and fine copper (Palladium for White Gold). The higher the copper content within the 250 parts, the redder the gold will be as in pink or rose gold. 18ct yellow gold is stamped 750 = Hallmark. It is acid resistant and doesn't tarnish. Its melting point lies at 895°C.
9ct gold contains only 375 parts per thousand (38%) fine gold; the rest is a mixture of copper, silver and zinc. 9ct gold is paler and tarnishes easier because of the high copper and zinc content and corrodes after a while (e.g. chains brake easily). To achieve a nice gold colour, it has to be gold-plated. That is a poisonous, galvanic procedure and harmful to the environment (contains cyanide).
The myth of 9ct gold being harder than 18ct originated from a mix-up of firmness, density, pliability, resistance & malleability (literally meaning “hammer ability”).
“Brinell Hardness” of 18ct: 187 HB, of 9ct: 140 HB is measured by hammering an object into the material and measuring the resistance.
9ct jewellery wears quicker. We only can admire antique jewellery nowadays because it was manufactured in 18ct gold.
In conclusion: 18ct is definitely the best quality. It is also denser and has got a higher specific gravity, therefore is heavier than the same jewellery item in 14ct or lower. If you can afford it, you would not only have the better gold, but also more of it and can pass it on as heirloom. Please note that the prices of precious metals are very volatile and may change at any time.
Palladium or Palladium-based White Gold Alloy recommended for following reasons
Nickel White Gold can tarnish and has to be rhodium-plated to achieve a nice white colour. Rhodium-plating wears off over the years. Because Nickel allergies are on the increase we use a palladium based white gold instead, in the purity of 750 (18ct) & 585 (14ct) parts fine gold per thousand or pure Palladium 950. Palladium is an expensive heavy metal of the platinum group with many advantages including being acid resistant, highly polish-able, very ductile (pliable) and it does not tarnish. There is no need for rhodium plating, therefore no pollution of the environment and no health risk for the manufacturing jeweller. Palladium White Gold is more expensive than identical pieces in Nickel White Gold because it is denser and heavier and more difficult to process as the melting temperatures are substantially higher, at 1480°C.
Handcrafted Quality-Custom Design
Handmade means: each Jewellery item is individually manufactured to custom designs. Many different techniques are used, e.g.: rolling sheet metal, drawing wires, embossing, filing, hammering, sawing etc. Because of handling, the molecules are pushed very close together which results in a solid material or extended length e.g. A Sterling Silver rod of 8cm straight from the ingot, 5mm thick, weighing 14g can be rolled through a rolling mill and drawn through a drawplate, resulting in a 215cm long wire of 0.9mm thickness.
We use conflict-free diamonds Russian cut from an Australian Supplier, Australian Opal directly from the miner and only cardboard boxes for packaging (no plastic).
More interesting facts about gold
Already in the 7th century BC in antique Rome gold wire has been used to fasten third teeth. To fill teeth Gold got recommended for the first time in the 16th century.
The first documented gold discovery dates back to 1799 in North Carolina USA. The lump of gold weighed 3.2kg and was used for three years as doorstep until a jeweller recognized the precious piece and bought it for 3.50 dollars.
The Aztecs name for gold was "Teocuitlatl", which means translated: "excrement of the gods"
Australian scientists discovered micro-organisms, which obviously feed on gold. The mining industry is making use of this: The microbes collect traces of gold from the rocks and concentrate them to bigger nuggets.
The Asteroid Eros contains more gold than ever has been mined from the Earth.
20% of the world's jewellery gold has been woven into Indian Saris - a women's garment.
Gold has always been treasured by mankind and therefore recycled for thousands of years. 85% of all the gold ever mined in the world is still in use.
The visor of astronaut's helmets is covered with a thin layer of gold to protect the eyes of the astronauts from sun's radiation.
It is estimated that approximately 10 billion tons of gold is dissolved in the oceans.
Rheumatoid arthritis has been treated for decades with injections of gold solution. Why the metal has an anti-inflammatory effect is still not clear to medical professionals.